TikToker Feels Betrayed By Feminism After Posting About Her Tradwife Lifestyle: “I Serve My Husband”

By: Alyssa Miller | Published: Mar 29, 2024

A woman who posts TikTok videos about her tradwife lifestyle has found herself in the middle of an online debate about gender roles, feminism, and equality in the home.

TikToker Estee Williams became a tradwife influencer after posting videos to her account in March 2022 and has gained 170,000 followers and millions of views. However, not everyone agrees with her lifestyle.

What Is a Tradwife?

A “tradwife,” or a traditional wife, is a woman who adheres to “traditional” gender roles such as being a stay-at-home wife who looks after the children, their husband, and the home. They often post videos showcasing how they enjoy doing mundane household chores and working in the kitchen.

A grayscale image of a woman in a white shirt reading a newspaper

Source: NARA/Flickr

According to the Darling Academy, a website created by tradwife Alena Kate Pettitt that celebrates British etiquettes, these women are not subservient to their husbands while valuing themselves and their homes.

Tradwives on TikTok

On TikT0k, the “tradwife” hashtag has more than 300 million views and has made unexpected influencers out of several women who showcase their “traditional” lifestyle.

A woman with a ponytail opening a retro oven and smiling

Source: Wendy Wei/Pexels

While the lifestyle is not for everyone–men and women alike—some women, like Williams–have found that fitting into a “caregiver” role in their relationship has given them a greater meaning and purpose in life.

Estee Williams Is a Tradwife Influencer 

Williams is a tradwife influencer who frequently shares videos on her various social media channels advocating for the traditional wife lifestyle. In one video, which has garnered 1.2 million views, Williams offers tips on embracing traditional gender roles to become a traditional wife.

A woman with long blonde hair in a peach dress posing on a white vintage couch

Source: Estee Williams/Instagram

In the clip, she states, “God designed two genders for different purposes. This is the only box I believe you have to fit into when becoming a traditional wife.”

The Key to a Successful Tradwife Lifestyle

Williams believes that the key to a successful tradwife lifestyle starts with marrying a healthy, protective, masculine, and faith-centered man who appreciates traditional gender roles without abusing them.

A woman with long blonde hair in a black dress smiling next to a man with short brown hair and a plaid vest next to a green field

Source: Estee Williams/Instagram

The TikToker urges women to date seriously and consider partners with whom they could imagine a future together to avoid wasting their time and embracing a “woke mentality.”

Why Did Williams Become a Tradwife?

“I got inspired mainly by the way I grew up and wanting the opposite of what I grew up with,” Williams told Fox News Digital in 2023. Watching her mother struggle to balance jobs and childcare after divorce inspired Williams to choose her current lifestyle.

A drawing of a woman in an apron and dress showing off her fridge

Source: Internet Archive/Flickr

“The little time that we saw my mother, I really took it to heart,” Williams recalled. “I just remember thinking that I never wanted this life.”


Williams Explains Why Tradwives Have Become Popular

Tradwives across TikTok have gained attention over the past few weeks—both good and bad—as the algorithm blessed them.

A woman with long brown hair making dinner on the stovetop

Source: On Shot/Pexels

In another video, Williams asserts that modern culture is trying to “blur” the gender lines between men and women, and a whole generation of women are getting “burnt out” in their careers, contributing to the trend’s popularity.


Is It Feminist to be a Tradwife? 

Tradwives have been largely arguing that they are true feminists by choosing not to work. People on social media split on their lifestyle for several reasons.

Four women in white tanktops holding signs against a white background

Source: Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels

“I would love to not have to go out to work and just be able to focus on my home and take care of my family. Sadly modern economy doesn’t let us,” one social media user wrote in one of Willaims’ videos.


Is Being a Tradwife a Fetish? 

Some suggest that Williams is promoting a “fetish” and was creating a fantasy for her social channels to turn a profit. Others comment that household work should be shared between a couple.

A far away photo of a woman with long brown hair walking her baby in a park during the fall

Source: Oleksandr P./Pexels

“My husband and I equally share the roles of providing and taking care of the home. We make decisions together; we share responsibilities. I would never rely,” one user said in response to one of Williams’ videos.


Williams Says She “Serves [Her] Husband” 

Whether tradwives are true feminists or not depends on how the influencer talks about their role in society. While Pettitt has tweeted that “husbands must always come first if you want a happy marriage,” Williams suggests that equality in a relationship and discussing clear and desired roles is the foundation of her tradwife lifestyle.

Close-Up Shot of a Man kissing a Woman on the Forehead

Source: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

“Honestly, I love this lifestyle. And I feel like I always wanted it,” she says. In another clip, Williams states, “I serve my husband.”


Why Women Watch Tradwife TikToks

One reason Williams believes that tradwife influencers are becoming more popular on social media is because women are looking for “made from scratch” recipes to combat the rising prices of fast food.

A woman with long brown hair smiling at her phone screen while working on her laptop

Source: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Williams states that basic homemaking skills have skipped a generation, and women are “hungry” to learn these skills.


Who Else Supports the Tradwife Lifestyle

“It seems that both she & her husband are happy with this type of relationship, so — good for them,” Gov. Ron DeSantis’s aide Christina Pushaw wrote in response to one of Williams’ videos.

A woman with long brown hair smiling as she plays with her two children at a dinning table

Source: Elina Fairytale/Pexels

“I guess I just don’t consider it ‘traditional’ in any way to be an influencer and post videos discussing your relationship online for the world to see. Not saying it’s bad, just not traditional,” she added.
