The Most Ridiculous Demands Actors Have Ever Made

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Feb 18, 2024

Hollywood is often reported to have various diva actors, whether on set or during contract negotiations; clearly, some things are never enough for some of Hollywood’s elite.

From demanding an equal number of lines to all-white dressing rooms, it seems nothing is too much for these actors.

Queen Latifah Refusing to Die

This one may seem reasonable at first until you realize this was about a part in a movie.

Queen Latifah during an interview. She is wearing a black jumper and is sat in front of a blue background.

Source: Sister Circle TV/Wikimedia Commons

During a 2016 interview with James Corden on “The Late Late Show,” Queen Latifah explained why she has this clause in her contract. After starring in a few films where her character was killed off, Queen Latifah realized this meant there was no way of returning for a sequel and that she could be missing out on more roles (and money).

Steve McQueen Demanded Equal Lines

When starring in “The Towering Inferno” alongside Paul Newman, Steve McQueen had several demands for this film.

A black and white image of Steve McQueen in ‘The Thomas Crown Affair’. He is in a three piece suit and is standing in an office building.

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons

Not only did he demand that he and Newman had the same amount of lines, but he also demanded that he get the top billing. To compromise, McQueen’s name was first on the film poster, but Newman’s was positioned slightly higher, as reported by WhatCulture.

Uma Thurman Wanted Only the Best

When she was due to star in “Eloise in Paris,” although the film was never made, Uma Thurman did have some demands, and while some were reasonable, others were very demanding.

Uma Thurman at the Cannes Film Festival in 2000. She is smiling for the camera and there is a crowd of people behind her

Source: Rita Molnár/Wikimedia Commons

According to Watch Mojo, Thurman had a clause in her contract that stated that she was to have the best dressing room and that no one else was allowed to have one better than her.

J-Lo Only Wants White

Clearly, dressing rooms play a key role whenever an actor or singer is negotiating their contract, and Jennifer Lopez is no different.

Jennifer Lopez singing. She is wearing white and has her hair up in a ponytail. She is singing outside into a microphone.

Source: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff/Wikimedia Commons

Dannii Minogue reflected on one incident with J-Lo on her podcast “The 90s with Dannii Minogue,” where she stated that J-Lo had refused to perform unless her dressing room was completely white.

Will Smith’s Home Away from Home

While on film sets, most actors might get a trailer that is just big enough for them and a few of their things. But not Will Smith.

Will Smith at a panel event. There is a card in front of him with his name on, as well as a bottle of water and a microphone. Behind him is a sign for Comic Con.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

When filming “Men in Black 3,” Smith had a two-story, two-bedroom trailer that cost $2 million, according to The Daily Mail. However, apparently, this wasn’t big enough for one thing — workout equipment. Because of this, Smith demanded a separate trailer to help with his apparent storage problem.


Samuel L. Jackson Loves Golf

While many might choose to organize their hobbies around work, Samuel L. Jackson likes to do things differently.

Samuel L Jackson at the BAFTAS. He is wearing a black coat, white collar shirt, black bow tie, black hat, black glasses, and a purple scarf. Snow is falling on him. Behind him are the BAFTAS and EE logos

Source: Sean Reynolds/Wikimedia Commons

Jackson loves golf so much that he has it stated in all of his movie contracts that he has to be allowed at least two days a week off to take some time out and go and hit some balls.


George Clooney Loves a Day at the Beach

Some might say it’s reasonable for actors to make demands regarding their dressing room and items in it, but George Clooney took this one step further.

George Clooney giving a speech. He is standing on a plinth and behind him is the U.S. flag.

Source: U.S. Department of State/Wikimedia Commons

While filming “Gravity,” Clooney demanded that he have a specially made beach hut on set, as well as a basketball court, potentially so he had something to do in between takes.


Don’t Want to Lose a Fight

This one applies to Vin Diesel, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Jason Statham, so clearly, this is a popular demand among some of Hollywood’s elite.

Some of the Fast & Furious cast, including Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Ludacris, Jordana Brewster, Vin Diesel, and Paul Walker. They are stood on a beath in front of the sea and there is a camera in front of them.

Source: Jack Zalium/Wikimedia Commons

This all happened in the “Fast & Furious” franchise, when the three actors stated in their contracts that they had limits as to how badly they could be beaten up, which might shock fans given how much fighting goes on in the films.


Gary Busey Demands No Mirrors

In the film “Quigley,” there is one scene in it that depicts heaven. However, Gary Busey wasn’t happy about various aspects of the set.

Gary Busey at an event. He is wearing a black suit with a black shirt

Source: Jessica Pinney/Wikimedia Commons

Busey said he had died and gone to heaven before and the set for the scene that depicts heaven wasn’t accurate. According to Busey, there are no mirrors in heaven, so he demanded they be removed from the set immediately.


Daniel Day-Lewis’ British Accent Ban

This may sound a bit extreme, but as Daniel Day-Lewis wanted to go method for his role in “Lincoln,” this was a strict request of his.

Daniel Day-Lewis at the BAFTAS. He is wearing a black suit, white shirt and a black bow tie. Snow is falling on him. Behind him are the BAFTA and EE logos.

Souece: Sean Reynolds/Wikimedia Commons

While playing U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Day-Lewis didn’t break character throughout filming, regardless of whether he was on set or not. He also demanded to be called Mr. Lincoln by the cast and crew at all times to help him fully immerse himself in the role.


Justin Timberlake — No Guests Allowed

Just one room in a hotel wasn’t enough for Justin Timberlake, as he wanted the entire floor to himself as a way to keep his privacy.

Justin Timberlake at a panel event. He is sat behind a microphone and there is a water bottle on the table. Behind him is the Comic Con logo.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

According to Radar Online, Timberlake also requested that cleaning staff polish any doorknobs whilst he was at the Manchester Arena, demanding they be disinfected every two hours.


Barbra Streisand, the Ultimate Diva

Some actor demands are quite strange, but the ones Barbra Streisand has made might just top the list as the weirdest demands any actor has ever made.

Barbra Streisand smiling. She is wearing a black top and glasses. There are people sat down behind her.

Source: Lifescript/Wikimedia Commons

According to The Evening Standard, Streisand has demanded rose petals on stage, 60 towels, 120 bath-sized towels, and that security can’t wear T-shirts. She has also reportedly asked for toilet paper the same shade as her skin, which might just make her the ultimate diva.
